Taher JAOUI From TUNISIA ― Lives in DUBAI ― b. 1978

Taher Jaoui was born in 1978 in Tunis (Tunisia). In 2005 he graduated from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris and in 2007 from Sorbonne University. Taher studied science before starting his artistic career in 2013. After living in Paris, Berlin and Madrid, he now lives and works in Dubai.

Creating captivating and labor-intensive work with an idea of continuing the legacy of abstract expressionism movement from the 50s and 60s, Taher’s paintings are rich assemblages of layered forms, vibrant colors, expressive gestures, and mathematics signs and formulas. 

Layering pastels, oils, and acrylics, the artist accents the richness of his work by constructing a raw texture which directly captures the physical energy put into each piece. Serving as a channel to convey his thoughts, emotions, and visions, the artistic practice Taher’s source of confidence and peace, while the finished work becomes a documentation of the process of achieving those feelings. 

Without any formal art education, his artistic practice is influenced by African primitive art, graffiti, glitch art, COBRA movement as well as the philosophy and attitude of post-war abstract expressionism. Varying from simple forms and patterns over familiar shapes that reminiscent of abstracted skulls, all the way to chalkboard-like scribble sections, the canvas surface becomes the workspace through which the artist exercises his ways of expression.  

The concept of building something from a variety of singular elements is a direct result of computer science and engineering studies, parts of which are coming to life through abstract mathematics signs and formulas sometimes incorporated into Taher’s entrancing compositions. This element, along with the spatial vision of the surface, once again makes a strong connection with early abstract expressionism concepts which considered ideas of quantum mechanics in their conceptualization.

Regularly working on a large scale, the works which are exclusively built in an automatic or subconscious manner, demand careful planning and utilization of space and materials. While balancing between his thoughts and feelings while creating, Taher’s work carries that sense of rebellious, anarchic, highly idiosyncratic and, some might say nihilistic feel to it, yet still constructing an endless base for viewer-dependent interpretation and experience.

Taher aesthetically combines a full palette of color and texture, formulas, and math equations. Taher's works are prominently featured in numerous private collections in Europe, the Middle-East, Asia, and USA. Taher's artwork is met with great success in Art Fairs and other shows.




WOOD you rather be happy?, Amal Rakibi Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Freeze.art , Shanghai, China (S)Galerie Saltiel, Paris, France (S)LT Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon (S)Maune Contemporary, Atlanta, USA (S)Corridor Contemporary, Philadelphia, USA (S)Jason shin Gallery, Seoul, Korea (S)Doodling the space, Granada Gallery, Madrid, Spain (G)
Space 776 + Uncommon Beauty Gallery, New York, USA (S)Blue. Red. Deep. Square, Corridor Contemporary, Tel Aviv, Israel (G)Love Always Wins, Maune Contemporary, Atlanta, USA (G)
Srisasanti Syndicate, Yogyakarta, Indonesia (S)81 Leonard Gallery + Uncommon Beauty Gallery, New York, USA (S)Duo Show with Mikhailo Dayak, Mandarin Maison, Kiev, Ukraine (G)
Galerie Kremers, Berlin, Germany (S)Graham Modern, and Contemporary Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa (S)Jinsan Gallery, Seoul, Korea (S)Duo Show with George Morton Clark, Opera Gallery, Hong Kong, China (G)An Atlantic Bridge BERLIN - USA, Galerie Kremers, Berlin, Germany (G)Impossible Until it is Done, Opera Gallery, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (G)Dystopia, Banzy Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon (G)Works on paper III, Galerie Kremers, Berlin, Germany (G)
Ghaya Gallery, Tunis, Tunisia (S)Oliver Cole Gallery, Miami, USA (G)Opera Gallery, Dubai, UAE (G)
Aquabit Gallery, Berlin, Germany (G)CoGalleries, Berlin, Germany (G)Enter Art Foundation. Berlin, Germany (G)

Art Fairs

Art JakartaArt Central Hong Kong
Art Central HKArt Busan
CONTEXT Miami art FairArt JakartaKIAF SeoulArt Central Hong Kong
Contect Miami art FairBudapest art FairArt JakartaArt Expo MalaysiaBeirut Art FairBusan Art FairFresh Paint Art FairArchitectural Digest Show, Uncommon Beauty Gallery2018/2017CONTEXT Miami art FairEMERGEAST Auction IV

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