NEW IDENTITYFrom Amalgame to Amal Rakibi Gallery
Change of name, change of vision
Amalgame Gallery has recently undergone a transformation and is now known as the Amal Rakibi Gallery. The change in name also signifies a change in the Gallery's vision. The aim is to move beyond being a space where art is simply displayed on walls and to expand its network.
The new vision of the Amal Rakibi Gallery is to inspire, support, surprise, provoke, and unite. The Gallery is committed to providing a platform for artists to showcase their work, while also fostering artistic growth and development. The Gallery is also dedicated to building a community of art enthusiasts and collectors who share a passion for creativity and innovation.
This vision is translated in A.R.T.S. values that capture best who we are and what drive us: 1) Applaud the imperfection 2) Rally enthusiats 3) Transcend borders 4) Shake the status quo.
This vision is translated in A.R.T.S. values that capture best who we are and what drive us: 1) Applaud the imperfection 2) Rally enthusiats 3) Transcend borders 4) Shake the status quo.